Form - 1040x - Efile


Now you can E-file 1040-X. This is a major milestone in tax administration, the Internal Revenue Service announced today that taxpayers can now submit Form 1040-X electronically. This will help Taxpayers correct tax returns with ease and speed up processing tremendously.

E-filing as a whole has consistently grown each year and the 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, has been one of the major individual tax forms that needed to be paper-filed. Today’s announcement follows years of effort by the IRS, and this enhancement allows taxpayers to quickly electronically file corrected, previously filed tax returns. Each year around 3 million 1040-X are filed by the taxpayers and so the ability to file Form 1040-X electronically has been an important long-term goal of the IRS. Click Here to read the full article.

Taxpayers still have the option to submit a paper version of the Form 1040-X and should follow the instructions for preparing and submitting the paper form. Those filing Form 1040-X electronically and on paper can use Where’s My Amended Return? online tool to check the status of their amended return.

We will be rolling out E-filing for the 1040-X over the next several weeks. We anticipate enabling the ability in the software by end of October. We will post updates as we roll out the product.